Analytical Research Report
Innovation Technologies and Energy Medicine (ITEM) (
The natural effects of the Earth’s magnetic field are considered to play an essential role in the health of humans and animals. When the first astronauts returned to earth sick, NASA concluded that their illness resulted from the lack of a planetary magnetic field in outer space. To resolve the problem, NASA placed magnets in the astronauts space suits and space travel vehicles, and astronauts have returned to Earth healthy ever since.
In the absence of a magnetic field, the level of charge of subatomic particles diminishes, resulting in the reduced overall charge of atoms. This process causes nutritional elements to become depolarized, thus rendering them almost unusable by the body. Accordingly, the biological system may develop characteristics of imbalance and impaired functioning. Therefore, exposing the body to certain magnetic fields restores the subatomic and bioenergetic balance of the biological organism, thereby naturally alleviating many existing health conditions.
Many years ago, the Earth’s natural magnetic field had an average strength of between 2 and 3 gauss. In the present day, that field has significantly reduced to a measurable level of only ½ gauss. In light of this fact, the need for using corrective and balancing magnets to maintain the natural homeostasis of the body has become more important.
The phenomenon of pain, in and of itself, is essentially the transmission of electrical signals along a path of connecting nerve cells. The signal is transmitted from the area of injury or malfunction – the source of the pain signal – to the brain. The nerve cells along that path of travel, when at rest, have a charge of approximately -70 mV. The electrical pain signal, when it reaches each nerve cell, has the effect of depolarizing that cell.
The presence of a supplemental magnetic field provides extra support for maintaining the natural charge of the nerve cells in the area of the magnetic field. Accordingly, therapeutic magnets raise the depolarization threshold of nerve cells, resulting in the potentially depolarizing pain signal being blocked. Therefore, applying therapeutic magnets to an area near the source of injury or malfunction effectively blocks the pain.
In addition, the ability of the nerve as a whole to transmit a pain signal is generally slowed down by the presence of a magnetic field. Because of these additional mechanics, pain relief is enhanced when a magnet’s negative / receptive polarity is applied to certain acupuncture meridian points related to the pain transmitting nerve.
Damaged tissue has been found to emit a positive electrical charge. The healing process can therefore be accelerated by applying the receptive polarity of a therapeutic magnet to the area of injury, thus restoring the bioenergetic balance. The mechanics of this process are that the magnetic field causes blood vessels to dilate, thereby increasing blood circulation to the area of injury. This serves to remove many of the natural agents that contribute to inflammation and pain, such as bradykinens, prostaglandins, and histamines, and also helps to more rapidly deliver healing agents which are contained in the blood.
Magnetic fields also increase the rate of oxygenation of white corpuscles, which are an important part of the immune system. In addition to direct bioenergetic support of the immune system, magnetic fields also naturally lower acidity in the body, making it more difficult for microorganisms to survive. As a result of such effects, magnet therapy can function as an antibiotic, eliminating many microbes, viruses, bacteria, and fungi, including strains which may be resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics or other drugs.
The pineal body of the brain, the organ which is responsible for production of the hormone melatonin, is highly sensitive to electromagnetic stimuli. In fact, the pineal body has a dual function as an electromagnetic sensory organ, and has been found to play a significant role in dream states, altered states of consciousness, meditation, and even extrasensory perception (ESP). Recently, it has also been discovered that the cells of the brain themselves contain a substance called magnetite. Magnetite is a naturally occurring crystalline material with weak magnetic properties, and which receives its charge from the Earth’s magnetic field. As a result of these mechanics, applying a therapeutic magnet to the head stimulates production of the hormone melatonin, thereby improving the quality of sleep, balancing the person’s sleep cycle, and otherwise facilitating relaxation and altered states of consciousness. Accordingly, therapeutic magnets can also be effectively used to balance and overcome the effects of “jet lag,” the sudden change in time zones experienced by international travelers.
Permanent magnets also function to generally enhance physical energy, and vitality. The healthy functioning of cells in the body depends upon their natural polarization, consisting of a positively charged cell nucleus and a negatively charged outer cell membrane. As the cell performs its daily functions, it becomes depolarized, leading to cell decay. Magnetic fields are capable of penetrating all levels and regions of the body, and can therefore reach every cell, supporting and recharging the natural polarity of cells. The resulting effect is to stimulate greater physical energy, strength, and vitality throughout the body, and even reduce and slow down the effects of aging.
For magnets, the “north” pole is conventionally referred to as the “negative” polarity, and the “south” pole is referred to as the “positive” polarity. In order to more accurately distinguish the different functions which the two polarities have, the negative polarity is called “receptive,” and the positive is called “active.”
The receptive polarity of permanent magnets balances meridian points or areas of the body which are over-stimulated, because that polarity literally “receives” excess bioenergy from the area where the magnet is applied. This function can be used for relieving pain, reducing swelling, calming the nervous system, and promoting a better quality of sleep.
The active polarity balances meridian points or areas of the body which are under-stimulated, because that polarity literally “activates,” or stimulates, by supplying additional bioenergy to the area where the magnet is applied. This function can be used for stimulating the immune system, or giving a person extra physical energy to increase productivity or eliminate fatigue.
The dramatic difference of the effects and functions of the receptive and active polarities of permanent magnets was documented in the September 1990 issue of the Journal of the National Medical Association.
Most therapeutic magnets on the market are bipolar, exposing the body to both polarities at the same time. Such magnets rely on the theories that the magnetic field stimulates blood flow and helps to block pain response, but ignore the many additional benefits of the proper use of the correct polarity to achieve different specific effects.
Furthermore, it is very important to recognize the difference in functions of the receptive and active poles of therapeutic magnets. Applying the active polarity to an over-stimulated area can serve to prolong or exacerbate the symptoms, and applying the receptive polarity to an under-stimulated area could serve to prolong or maintain weakness or malfunction. Therefore, the ideal therapeutic magnet would allow the user to benefit from the bipolar field as a whole, and also be designed to allow the user to select only one polarity or the other when required for specific purposes.
Therapeutic magnets are generally used by attaching them to certain regions of the body where either symptoms or causes of illness have been identified. They are sometimes attached by placing them underneath an elastic bandage, or taping them into position using medical tape made of a comfortable fabric. During massage or similar treatments, including Reiki healing or even hypnotherapy, magnets can be simply placed on certain parts of the body while the person is laying down on the therapy table.
Dr. William Pawluk, a licensed medical doctor both in the US and Canada, and Assistant Professor at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, often combines magnetic therapy and acupuncture in his practice. Gary Null, Ph.D., who has conducted extensive research on magnet therapy, recommends that “magnets work best in combination with other healing modalities” such as acupressure, therapeutic touch and deep tissue massage.
Because of the gentle and natural effects of magnets, and the fact that they primarily function to balance bioenergy in the body, they are completely compatible with all methods and practices of healing, and do not interfere with any medical treatments or procedures. For the same reasons, while therapeutic magnets have many beneficial and healthy effects, they are not intended to be used as a substitute for any professional medical treatment or procedure.
One of the less known – and most effective – uses of magnets is for working with acupressure points, commonly known as “meridian” points. Each of the meridian points corresponds to related regions, organs, and systems of the body, connected through structures of nerves. Applying therapeutic magnets to meridian points causes the same natural bioenergetic balancing and healing effects to occur in places where it is not practical or possible to place the magnet itself.
While finding the precise location of acupressure points can be very difficult for the layperson, the properties of magnets make this task much easier. Since magnets radiate their magnetic field beyond the boundaries of the physical magnet, it is only necessary to find the approximate location of the point, by reference to an illustrated book on acupressure or meridian therapy. Placing the magnet anywhere near the meridian point will ensure that the radiating magnetic field will reach the intended point, and achieve its desired bioenergy and natural healing effects in the corresponding part of the body. In order to effectively perform meridian therapy, however, it is necessary to have a magnetic device which gives the user control over which polarity is being applied to each meridian point.
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