Answer Key

Quiz for Step 1 of PDS (Part 1)

  1. The answer is c.  A ball in the air best represents potential energy.
  2. The answer is d.  Electromagnetic waves, including sunlight, are in theory a medium of energy information exchange rather than an active participant of such exchange.
  3. The answer is d.  The “health level” of the human energy field is generally 0 to 4 inches away from the skin, and this level is characterized by cellular and neuroelectrical emissions.
  4. The answer is b.  Bioenergy is subtle energy (low voltage, low amplitude waves) but there are other kinds of subtle energies.
  5. The answer is d.  In theory it is true that torsion fields cause electromagnetic phenomena and are not subject to loss of signal strength over significant distances.
  6. The answer is d.  Consciousness is, for each species of living organisms, a balance between individual consciousness and group consciousness.
  7. The answer is b.  While the Akashic Record contains objective information, this information is always filtered through the subjective interpretations of those who access it.
  8. The answer is b.  The Heart Chakra “closes” or reduces in spin when an emotional trauma occurs, and fundamentally the Chakra needs to regain its motion for the person to regain mental health.
  9. The answer is c.  Etherial mentation is necessary to guide the creation of matter or physical events through etheric manifestation.
  10. The answer is c.  Humankind has collective consciousness but its use is limited at this time, and thus the need for politics.

Quiz for Step 1 of PDS (Part 2)

  1. The answer is d.  All answers are true of the theoretical frequency-defined planes of the universe.
  2. The answer is a.  The brain’s storage and discharge of electrical energy is similar to a capacitor.
  3. The answer is a.  The presence of “new” electrons, previously unidentified, in a vacuum explains the phenomenon often referred to as a quantum leap.
  4. The answer is a.  Brain tuning is more appropriately done while in Alpha State, not Beta State.
  5. The answer is a.  Sympathetic vibration is a process where you, the receiver, tune in to a transmitted frequency, much in the way you would tune in to a radio station.
  6. The answer is b.  he first line of interaction between thoughts and physical matter is the outer shells of atoms consisting of electrons in orbit, and thoughts may displace the number of electrons in those outer shells.
  7. The answer is d.  Neurons increase in size temporarily while there is an increase in energy due to processing information, but neurons reduce in size when the physical energy is converted into non-physical energy for storage outside of physical brain matter.
  8. The answer is b.  There is a positive correlation between the strength of the signal received by the brain (which often occurs with significant emotional experiences) and magnetic induction by the pineal body for memory storage, which generally allows for faster and easier recall of the experience in the future.
  9. The answer is d.  While there may be some truth in all answers, the most likely basis for changes in the subjective experience of time is a change in the operating frequency of consciousness.
  10. The answer is d.  The historical personification of God has produced, through projection of mass consciousness, a symbolic representation of The All, but the God that is worshipped is not necessarily the source of all things understood as The All.The All would not necessarily manifest individualized consciousness based on worship of symbols unless there was sufficient “strength” to uphold such individualized consciousness.

Quiz for Step 1 of PDS (Part 3)

  1. The answer is c.  Potential mass equals voltage (1 V) divided by the Coulomb constant (6.242 x 10^18) and the constant for resistance of quantum particles (2.3057 x 10^-24), which equals 69,500 grams or 69.5 kilograms (kg). One volt of energy in ambient air is equivalent to nearly 70 kg of physical matter, if fully materialized.
  2. The answer is a.  Returning the object to its original subatomic structure would preclude the use of psychometry to understand the interaction the object had with other forms of consciousness.
  3. The answer is b.  Alpha State, at an electrical brain activity level of 7 cycles per second (cps), produces resonance with the color Orchid, which is associated with psychic activity.
  4. The answer is b.  There is overlap between the Earthbound and Astral planes; however, humans can access higher and lower levels of consciousness, and there are no fixed planes for the manifestation of matter through ether.
  5. The answer is c.  The Phase-Shift theory of energy medicine establishes that the introduction of waveforms that are out of phase by 180 degrees can balance unstable waveforms characteristic of poor mental or emotional health.
  6. The answer is b.  The Feminine Principle is receptive, and is associated with the right side of the brain, which controls the motor functions of the left side of the body.
  7. The answer is a.  Stimulation of the system to vibrate at its fundamental frequency improves the internal strength of the system to correct its own imbalances; interference will cancel waves, which may cause serious adverse affects, destruction of electric fields is not desirable, and harmonic waveforms will only stimulate the stressed waveforms to strengthen.

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